Quick and Easy Suhur Recipes for Busy Mornings

Suhur ideas

In the pre-dawn hours of Ramadan, Suhur plays a crucial role in providing the energy and nourishment needed for fasting throughout the day. For many, preparing a nutritious meal during this early morning rush can be challenging. Here, we explore a variety of quick and easy Suhur recipes that are not only nutritious but also simple to prepare, ensuring you start your day on a healthy note.

Smoothies and Shakes

Energizing Green Smoothie

Starting your day with a refreshing green smoothie is a perfect way to kickstart your morning. Packed with vitamins and minerals, this energizing blend combines spinach, banana, and almond milk. Spinach, rich in iron and antioxidants, boosts energy levels, while banana adds natural sweetness and potassium, essential for muscle function. Almond milk provides a creamy base without the heaviness of dairy, making it easier on the stomach during early hours. To prepare, simply blend all ingredients until smooth, pour into a glass, and enjoy a nutritious start to your day.

Berry Blast Protein Shake

For those needing a protein-packed start, a berry blast protein shake is an ideal choice. Combining berries rich in antioxidants, protein powder, and a splash of Greek yogurt, this shake provides sustained energy throughout the morning. Berries offer a burst of flavor and antioxidants, aiding in cell repair and boosting immune function. Protein powder ensures satiety and muscle recovery, crucial during fasting periods. Simply blend all ingredients until creamy, pour into a shaker, and enjoy on-the-go nutrition.

Overnight Oats and Porridge

Classic Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a lifesaver for busy mornings. Prepared the night before, oats soak in your choice of milk or yogurt, becoming soft and ready to eat by morning. Oats are rich in fiber and slow-digesting carbohydrates, providing sustained energy throughout the day. Customize with toppings like nuts, fruits, or honey for added flavor and nutrients. Simply mix oats with your preferred liquid ratio, refrigerate overnight, and wake up to a ready-to-eat nutritious meal.

Creamy Semolina Porridge

Semolina porridge offers a hearty and creamy alternative to oats. Rich in protein and B vitamins, semolina provides lasting energy and supports brain function. Cooked quickly on the stovetop, semolina porridge can be flavored with cinnamon or vanilla, offering a comforting start to your day. Add nuts or dried fruits for texture and additional nutrients, ensuring a satisfying and filling Suhur.

Egg-based Dishes

Mediterranean Scrambled Eggs

For a savory start, Mediterranean scrambled eggs offer a flavorful twist. Combining tomatoes, spinach, and feta cheese, this dish is rich in protein and essential vitamins. Tomatoes provide antioxidants, spinach offers iron, and feta cheese adds a tangy kick. Quick to prepare, scramble eggs with vegetables and cheese until fluffy, ensuring a nutritious and filling Suhur.

Veggie Egg Muffins

Egg muffins are perfect for those needing a portable breakfast. Loaded with vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, and mushrooms, these muffins are rich in fiber and antioxidants. Prep in advance by baking a batch and refrigerating for quick grabs during busy mornings. Customize with your favorite veggies and bake until golden brown, ensuring a nutrient-dense start to your fasting day.

Quick Wraps and Sandwiches

Avocado and Turkey Wrap

Avocado and turkey wraps provide a balanced blend of healthy fats and lean protein. Avocado offers monounsaturated fats, promoting heart health, while turkey provides lean protein for muscle repair. Wrap with whole-grain tortillas and add lettuce and tomato for crunch and freshness. Roll tightly and slice into halves for a convenient and nutritious Suhur.

Hummus Veggie Sandwich

For a plant-powered option, a hummus veggie sandwich is both satisfying and nutritious. Spread hummus on whole-grain bread and layer with cucumber, bell peppers, and sprouts. Hummus provides fiber and protein, while vegetables offer essential vitamins and minerals. Customize with your favorite veggies and enjoy a flavorful and filling start to your day.


In conclusion, preparing a nutritious Suhur doesn’t have to be time-consuming. By incorporating these quick and easy recipes into your morning routine, you can ensure you start your fasting day with energy and nourishment. Remember, Suhur is essential for maintaining stamina and health throughout Ramadan, so prioritize wholesome ingredients and balanced meals.


  • What is the best time to have Suhur?
  • Suhur should ideally be eaten as close to dawn as possible, allowing for maximum hydration and nutrition before fasting begins.
  • Can I skip Suhur during Ramadan?
  • It’s highly recommended not to skip Suhur, as it provides essential nutrients and energy to sustain you throughout the day.
  • How can I make my Suhur more filling?
  • Include foods rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, such as oats, eggs, and nuts, to keep you feeling full longer.

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